Sunday, September 09, 2007

Wild Turkeys.

Yesterday when I looked out the kitchen window there were six wild turkeys within 30 to 35 feet of the house. I got my camera and thought I turned off the flash - Not!! So when I took the picture though the window it startled them. So I thought "Oh well, I'll step out the back door and take their picture." They can really run fast and they were out of camera range before I could get a picture. I was surprised at how long their beards were. They almost hit the ground. They were all tom turkeys. They were out on the other side of the pond most of the day. Today they are back and I have been watching them with the binoculars. It is so neat when they spread their feathers out. Too bad there is no hunting season of wild turkeys up here except in the Spring. They are really good sized.

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