Tuesday, September 01, 2009

A Bushel of Tomatos Equals............

Five quarts and one pint of tomato juice, ten pints of salsa, five pints of pizza sauce and eighteen pints of tomatoes. Here are pictures of what I have accomplished in the last two days. I have another bushel of tomatos ordered for Thursday, so Thursday night and Friday I will be canning more salsa, tomato juice and tomatoes. So far I have also canned pickle relish, pickles, green beans and peaches. If I can, I would like to can more green beans, lima beans, pears and applesauce. I really enjoy doing it and Keith put a refrigerator, stove and sink in the garage so I can can out there. It really gives you a great feeling of accomplishment when you look at all those pretty jars on the shelf in the basement.

1 comment:

Linda G. said...

That is incredbile. What a great accomplishment, you'll be eating well this winter. I don't know when you find time.