Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sunday Fun & More Ballgames

We had a really fun Sunday. Kurt's family came over in the morning and went fishing. Kurt brought his four wheeler over. I had asked them if they could come over sometime this weekend to help Keith put a dock in the pond. Well......the pond is deeper than we thought and our posts weren't long enough, so that project wasn't completed! Kurt grilled burgers for us and we had a little lunch. It is alway so fun to spend time with Kurt, Christy and the kids. In the afternoon, I asked the girls to help me punch out markers for the bingo game for the baby shower for Sarah. We had fun doing it. We made circles, hearts and stars. Even Kraig came into help us out. It was fun working together with the kids. Monday Keith made the roost boxes in the chicken coop. Now all we need are chickens. Kurt has a rooster for us. Keith is going to put new shingles on the roof of the chicken coop too. Tuesday night Casey had a softball game in Edgerton. I went but had to leave early for a Historical Society meeting. If I wasn't the treasurer and had to make a report, I would have skipped it. When I left the game, her team was down 4-6. Christy told me tonight that I missed an exciting game as the final score was 12-12. Wish I had stayed :o( Casey is a good hitter and usually hits the first pitch. As you can see from the picture, Grandma is slow on the shutter, you just can see her running and the bat is on the ground, just like the picture I took of Chloe last week. The other picture of Casey is at the Edgerton game playing third base. They were just warming up when I took that one. The first pictures are of tonight's game. I went up to the fence to take a picture of Chloe at bat before she even got up there. She usually hits the first pitch too. So at least I got a good picture tonight. She DID hit the first pitch. The next picture is of Casey. She was the catcher tonight. I went to take a picture of Casey batting, but she was on first base before I got a picture taken!! They played a team from Fairview. As they don't have scoreboards, I don't know who won. But is is more important to just have fun.


sarah said...

It looks like you've become #1 softball fan! How fun. I played softball growing up and loved that time of the summer.

Thanks for everyone's hard work on my shower game. I'm getting really excited about next weekend!

kevin said...

Can't wait to see everyone THIS WEEKEND!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Kathy,

Thanks so much for visiting me the other day. Sorry I havent gotten to visit you until now. Melissa and the babies are staying with us and everyone including me came down with a nasty bug. Love all of your photos and I bet you are so looking forward to your new baby granddaughter coming soon. Kevin and Sarah are two of my favorite people. Nice meeting you!